sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Final Reflection

Well, this has been my blog, thank you Teacher and the whole group of colleagues that throughout this course have helped me in different ways.

 I feel that strengthened my knowledge in English, with each of the activities in class and outside it, has not been easy, honest Because I am, I find it hard, perhaps the lack of time, or maybe other internal factors, but Wish to Learn continue, I strived and will continue to do para get to have a mayor Knowledge and active achieve express myself without fear.

I understand that the topics studied are to be seen in a moment, but especially in New Generations, that was factor that a know no Was a favor me, because in my years of School and College Methodology another was, but I feel satisfied with my effort and learning.
I really learned many things like new vocabulary, grammar rules and some real conditions, gerunds, infinitives and others topics. Finally, I believe it was the very productive course and reiterated that I really feel happy and grateful to the teacher and the group in general.

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

E-M3 (Technology)

The third issue whick is I had to write wich I consider particularly important is technilogy.  It is a topical issue and is present  all times in our lives.

E-M2 (Charisma)


In our environment  we  find  people  every day who  stand  out for their great charisma.  
Each of us has his own charisma and  that  makes us different  from others. Another  very nice  topic to study at  this  level of  English  was  the charisma.   
Here I mention some features that  should  have a charismatic person.

E-M1 (Challenges)

One of the first topics studied in class was challenging.
For me this is an issue of great importance, as I have had several challenges
which have helped me to be stronger and better person in my life. This was my first writing about this topic.

OUT CLASS (Reported Speech)

As complement to that  studied in class.  I have sought information about the reported speech. 

The reported Speech is used when reporting what someone said.  Here I will present a table wich shows that time changes to time. 

This information can be found at the following link.

OUT CLASS (Connectors and Conditionals)

Connectors are the words which combine two words,  phrases and  sentences  together. They have  the same meaning of a conjunction but differ in their function. 
Difference between conjunction and connectors: Conjunctions are used to connect a noun with another noun; two independent clauses; different sentences; a group of words. 

Connectors are used to connect a large groups of words; phrases; sentences. For example: Lisa  and  Ría  are friends. Here "and" connects two nouns.
It is a conjunction. I broke my leg. However, I still feel great. Here "however' connects two groups of words, which relate to each other.

List of Sentence Connectors in English
Given below is the list of most commonly  used  sentence  connectors  in English with examples:

 This is the link: https://es.scribd.com/doc/49891326/Connectors-in-English-Grammar

Conditional Types
In addition to what studied in class about conditional I've investigated over this issue. For me this issue is difficult but I want to learn and so I 'm trying.

Zero Conditional 
First Conditional

 With Modals verbs

Second Conditional 

Third Conditional

This information is in this link:


OUT CLASS (Practice pronunciation)

Every  night I was to read  history  at my son.  For example “Bambi”. This practice was interesting because I learned  the new  basic vocabulary and my son also.

This is important because I practice  pronunciation.


OUT CLASS (See a Video)

Learn English listening music!!!

One practice very positive and in my case was very useful is to listen music in English.  The song It's my life,  (Bon Jovi) is a beautiful song and with it I practice listening. It´s very important for me.
In this link I found the letter and video:


OUT CLASS (See a movie)

A method to study and to learn English is  see movies in english.  The movie “This is life” is special for to learn English conversational, because the vocabulary is very basic and easy.

In this link , I found the movie on youtube.

OUT CLASS (Irregular Verbs-Past participle)

In my house  I studied the  irregular verbs, and I practiced the pronunciation .  I think that was very important  because  I learned the pronunciation of diferents verbs. and also I studied the past participle.  

There are some examples:

OUT CLASS (Support)

The following links I found support material on topics such as form sentences, ask  questions, use of the verb To Be and others.

IN CLASS (Past Participle)

This is about some verbs and the past participle form . It was supplied by the teacher for one class and it is very important to study this issue to structure your prayers as we communicate.


IN CLASS (Reported Speech)

Another important issue to improve communication is Reported Speech. This is part of the information that I studied in class.

IN CLASS (Conditionals, Present Perfect, Conectors, Gerunds and Infinitives)

For several classes studied different topics  including I'll mention :
  • Conditionals
  • Present perfect
  • Gerunds and infinitives
  • Connectors
Each of these issues are very important to achieve greater fluency in conversation and to achieve shaping sentences and to express ourselves clearly.


                                                                 Present Perfect

Gerund and Infinitives


IN CLASS (Charismatic person and GHOST)

I made presentation about the charisma. In this case the person I chose was to Adriana Macías. 

She is a Mexican woman, she borns without arms due to a genetic problem and since she was a child she learned to use her feet as if they were her hands.  She has learned to do everything with her feet.

Tenacity has been the key to her life, her success. She is  a woman with a lot of charisma. She is a complete woman!!!

The following link is a video about Adriana Macias, a charismatic woman who gives an example of life and self-improvement:


Another presentation I did in class was about a movie. I worked with Thomas and the movie that we chose is “GHOST”.
This is the story of love between Molly and Sam. They were much loved and were very happy but one night they were attacked by a bad man who killed Sam.    When Sam died he didn´t go to heaven, he stayed on earth as a GHOST……..


IN CLASS (Challenges)

In my first individual presentation I shared with my classmates and teacher a very important issue in my life. It was about how God allowed me to be adoptive mother of a beautiful boy named Cristopher ..

Since I got married I wanted to have a baby. Alberto, my husband and I decided to wait two years before becoming pregnant, but it was not possible.

After several years analyzing the possibility of adopting a baby. Then we started the process with PANI, after four years of waiting we received the good news that we have had the opportunity to adopt a child. And since then my life, the life of my husband and the whole family has changed wonderfully.

IN CLASS (Papaya Seed)

The second group presentation I was about creating a pesticide based on papaya seed...  In that case I worked with my partners Alejandro, Alexander and Tomás.

For me, this topic is very interesting because I had an opportunity of created a natural pesticide.  And I had a good experience to learn about the properties of papaya in general.

IN CLASS (Present Perfect)

During the second week did the first group presentation. I worked with Alejandro and Alexander. And the topic was about tenses, in this specific case was the present perfect.

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016



My name is Geiny López Rubí, I´m from Puriscal, but I live in Alajuelita with my family. I work at ICE, I´m an assistant. 

My favorite hobbies are listen to music and play with  my son.  I´m married, my husband Albert is my best friend.  We have a child. His name´s Cristopher. 

Cris has five years old.  He likes to play piano and violín, and likes to swim.  Is an excellent son.   I have two dogs, Coby and Candy.  Coby has nine years old and Candy has eight years old.  They are French Poodle.  Generally I go to the park with Cris, Coby and Candy. 

Every year I go to beach, on vacation, usually I go to Mall País.  I like beach and  drive a cuadraciclo.  My child Cris also likes drive a cuadraciclo.  I love to be with my family.   I am very interested in learning the English language and for that reason I am giving my best and I have a very positive.