lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

IN CLASS (Charismatic person and GHOST)

I made presentation about the charisma. In this case the person I chose was to Adriana Macías. 

She is a Mexican woman, she borns without arms due to a genetic problem and since she was a child she learned to use her feet as if they were her hands.  She has learned to do everything with her feet.

Tenacity has been the key to her life, her success. She is  a woman with a lot of charisma. She is a complete woman!!!

The following link is a video about Adriana Macias, a charismatic woman who gives an example of life and self-improvement:

Another presentation I did in class was about a movie. I worked with Thomas and the movie that we chose is “GHOST”.
This is the story of love between Molly and Sam. They were much loved and were very happy but one night they were attacked by a bad man who killed Sam.    When Sam died he didn´t go to heaven, he stayed on earth as a GHOST……..


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