sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

Final Reflection

Well, this has been my blog, thank you Teacher and the whole group of colleagues that throughout this course have helped me in different ways.

 I feel that strengthened my knowledge in English, with each of the activities in class and outside it, has not been easy, honest Because I am, I find it hard, perhaps the lack of time, or maybe other internal factors, but Wish to Learn continue, I strived and will continue to do para get to have a mayor Knowledge and active achieve express myself without fear.

I understand that the topics studied are to be seen in a moment, but especially in New Generations, that was factor that a know no Was a favor me, because in my years of School and College Methodology another was, but I feel satisfied with my effort and learning.
I really learned many things like new vocabulary, grammar rules and some real conditions, gerunds, infinitives and others topics. Finally, I believe it was the very productive course and reiterated that I really feel happy and grateful to the teacher and the group in general.

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