lunes, 1 de agosto de 2016

OUT CLASS (Connectors and Conditionals)

Connectors are the words which combine two words,  phrases and  sentences  together. They have  the same meaning of a conjunction but differ in their function. 
Difference between conjunction and connectors: Conjunctions are used to connect a noun with another noun; two independent clauses; different sentences; a group of words. 

Connectors are used to connect a large groups of words; phrases; sentences. For example: Lisa  and  Ría  are friends. Here "and" connects two nouns.
It is a conjunction. I broke my leg. However, I still feel great. Here "however' connects two groups of words, which relate to each other.

List of Sentence Connectors in English
Given below is the list of most commonly  used  sentence  connectors  in English with examples:

 This is the link:

Conditional Types
In addition to what studied in class about conditional I've investigated over this issue. For me this issue is difficult but I want to learn and so I 'm trying.

Zero Conditional 
First Conditional

 With Modals verbs

Second Conditional 

Third Conditional

This information is in this link:

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